Posted in Book review, Books

Love and Marriage in Mumbai by Elizabeth Flock | Book Review

Just thinking about Mumbai pops us numerous images in my mind of nostalgic Bollywood songs, heavy rain along with couples enjoying the enormous beautiful views.

And covering just that and a lot more in the lives of three married couples, American journalist Elizabeth Flock gave us a fresh twisting tale beyond cliches which she encountered in her days she spent as a journalist in Mumbai. She got a chance to interact with these couples and be present personally to witness everything mentioned in the book.

The book’s motives were actually way beyond sharing the stories of these couples. The author expressed India as she saw with her own eyes breaking the American prejudices about it and covering all along the subject of marriage too without any personal experiences around any of them.

Coming to the plot, the book was really well-paced and elegant for a debut read which I never guessed until I read the author’s profile We get three very unique couples, Veer and Maya, the ones trying to accept and keep up with the modern day world while trying to keep their relationship going on along with that.

Then there are Ashok and Parvati, who did meet online but not the way you would imagine, and are on their way to discover love in their arranged married life. And finally, Shahzad and Sabeena whose desire for a child entangled with the religious complexion and innovation, shows us an entirely new page.

For me, the book wasn’t only enjoyable and wise but also felt like a much-needed account for the people of and wanting to know India for what it truly is today.


Indie Author, Blogger & Journalist

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